Photo of Pamela Hammond
Hello, my name is Pamela Hammond.
Image of the project Platonic Friends Forever

A simple way to meet like-minded people in your area, PFF matches people based on their shared interests. Whether you like to attend major-league baseball games or play video games, this full-stack application helps you find your Platonic Friends Forever. (Still in progress!)

Image of the project Sky Gazer

In this project, I and 3 individuals used Javascript, HTML, and CSS to create Sky Gazer. In Sky Gazer, the user will input a location and choose one satellite, among a list of satellites, and the site will return the time and dates for the next fly over for the course of the next seven days, and will pair with weather data to determine if the user will be able to see the satellite when it flies over in their chosen location.

Image of the project Express Note Taker

Created using Express.js, in this project I refactored existing code to save and retrieve note data from a JSON file. Use this application to create and save notes so that you can organize your thoughts and keep track of tasks that you need to accomplish!